▷ How and Why to Take a Healing Sitz Bath at Home (With DIY Bath Recipes!) (2024)

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Today, by obtaining a kit that fits right over the toilet seat and comes with a cord and bag to disperse the water, anyone can do a sitz bath. These can be obtained from a medical supply store, pharmacy, or online. Although these kits are handy, sitting in your tub in water may bring greater relief. A sitz bath is a great way to cleanse and relieve discomfort, pain, or itching of the perineum, which is the space between the rectum and the vulva or scrotum.

Whether recuperating from surgery, hemorrhoids, or various other discomforts, a sitz bath, along with the right essential oils, can bring a huge comfort. Taking steps to use your essential oils safely ensures that you don’t add to your discomfort. Prior to adding them to your water, you should add essential oils to a carrier oil to disperse your essential oils properly so they don’t adhere to the tender skin. If you’ve recently had surgery, birth, or other open wounds, consult with your physician before immersing or cleansing the area with water - with or without essential oils.

When Should I Take One?

Anytime you want to ease pain or discomfort, inflammation, or speed up healing, soaking in the water will increase blood flow to the area, easing discomfort and increasing your healing. There may be situations where a sitz bath may not heal your condition, but it can bring great relief to many associated symptoms. Conditions that it may help include anal fissure, constipation or diarrhea, soreness, inflammation, and more. This may be helpful for young children who experience constipation and may be suggested by your pediatrician.

It's worth noting though, that not all of these ailments require the same kind of sitz bath. Let's take a look at the differences, and when to use each one.

Hot Sitz Baths

There's nothing more soothing than a hot bath to unwind those aching joints and muscles. A hot sitz bath is just a concentrated dose of that relaxation. Taking a hot sitz bath encourages increased blood flow to the pelvic region, helping to move stagnation, alleviate sore muscles, or relieve infections. These are some conditions that benefit from the aid of a hot sitz bath.

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Recovery from vagin*l surgery
  • Postpartum recovery
  • Herpes
  • Uterine cramps
  • Muscle pain
  • Ovary pain
  • Prostatitis
  • Cysts

When it comes to yeast infections, many people swear by adding baking soda into the hot sitz bath for balancing your pH. On top of that, there are many recommendations for using raw apple cider vinegar (with the mother) as an effective remedy to combat yeast infections – especially when added to a sitz bath. I may be partial to apple cider vinegar, but in my experience, it's a rapid and long-lasting treatment that's my go-to for any skin, pH, or hormone issues my body is facing.

Cold Sitz Baths

While a cold sitz bath certainly sounds less soothing than its hot counterpart, cold water has been an integral part of health routines around the world for centuries, said to improve health and vigor against a swathe of ailments. Some of the ailments that a cold sitz bath might relieve include.

  • Constipation
  • Inflammation
  • Impotence
  • Incontinence
  • vagin*l discharge and yeast infections
  • Postpartum recovery (according to this study, cold sitz baths are more effective in relieving pain after vagin*l birth than warm ones, but there are many anecdotal claims lauding the hot sitz bath as well.)

Alternating Hot and Cold Sitz Baths

Ah, this one is an in-home version of the banya tradition: basking in a hot sauna until you reach your limit, and then dunking yourself in ice water to invigorate you, strengthening your heart and encouraging blood flow. This style of sitz bath, although the most involved, has been used in Russia and Finland for almost a thousand years, and is said to help with a number of issues. In the sitz bath version, there are several particular disorders that are known to benefit from an alternating sitz bath.

They are:
  • Endometriosis
  • Abdominal disorders
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Sitz baths are a simple, essentially risk-free process that only takes a maximum of thirty minutes of your day. For relief from any and all of these ailments, I'd call that well worth the time and effort.

How do I make a Sitz bath?

Either follow the directions of your kit or do your bath in the tub. Use enough water to cover the pelvis and abdominal area. Avoid using any added soaps or bubble bath products. Depending on why you are doing it, you can soak up to three times a day for about 15-20 minutes or as you or your physician decides.

As stated, shower gel, bubble bath, or any type of soap or synthetic ingredients can add to your discomfort rather than relieving it. Some physicians may prescribe an additive or they may suggest epsom salts and that is fine.

Taking a sitz bath in the bathtub

For a hot sitz bath, fill a clean bathtub with only a few inches of water so that it's no higher than your belly button. The water should be hot, but not uncomfortably so. Remember, burning hot water could only serve to exacerbate the conditions you're trying to soothe. Once your water has filled the tub no more than a few inches, lower yourself in, keeping your torso and legs out of the water.

If possible, it's best to dangle your legs out of the tub so they aren't submerged at all. If that isn't feasible for you, then having your legs bent at an angle so that they are primarily above water would work just fine. The idea behind this is to encourage blood to flow to your pelvic area, helping things move through the body, thereby relieving discomfort. Hot sitz baths should last anywhere from fifteen to thirty minutes.

For a cold sitz bath, the preparation is the same – except the water is as cold as possible. The primary difference between the two baths? Duration. While you can safely linger in a hot sitz bath for up to thirty minutes, the recommended time for a cold sitz bath ranges from as long as eight minutes to as brief as one minute. Err on the side of caution, perhaps even setting a timer to remind you to get out, if your condition is one that is best served by a cold sitz bath.

The most involved of the three sitz baths is the one alternating between hot and cold temperatures. As most of us don't have two bathtubs in close proximity to one another, or even a basin large enough to host our aching bodies comfortably, it seems like a challenge. Thankfully, there are solutions. Over at Acadiana Natural Health Center, they recommend filling the bathtub with comfortably hot water – again, to no higher than your navel – and filling a large bowl with water and ice.

In the ice water bowl, soak a towel large enough to wrap around your pelvis and let it get cold. Sit in the hot bath for a few minutes, then stand up and wrap the icy towel – without wringing it out – around your pelvic area and between your legs. Keep it there for thirty seconds. Repeat this three times, ending after the third cold session, and towel dry.

What if I don't have a tub at all?

If you don't have a bathtub, there are still a variety of sitz baths available that you can adapt for use while sitting on your toilet. Look for one with a solution for water overflow, like this one from Amazon. Otherwise, you could have a spill all across your bathroom floor. The way these sitz baths work varies depending on the exact type you buy, but they typically include a pump to squeeze, filling it with fresh warm water and letting the cooling water drain out the back.

Are there any risks to a sitz bath?

Sitz baths are among the safest treatments available. As it's a concentrated bath, the only risks involved are the ones common to any bath. In a hot sitz bath, you may experience some dizziness when standing up. If you're prone to lightheadedness, it's wise to have someone with you to help you exit the tub.

How Can Essential Oils Help?

Like the parent plant, essentials oils have many therapeutic properties, varying from oil to oil. Essential oils are made of tiny molecules that can cross the blood-brain barrier and enter our bloodstream, therapeutically going to work.

Essential oils consist of chemical families and within those families are components called constituents. Each component has its own therapeutic property, although the total chemical makeup contributes to the power of each oil.

Essential oils are not water soluble, which means “oil and water don’t mix.” To protect your skin and prior to adding to your bath, blend your choice of essential oils with a carrier oil. Choosing some simple on-hand ingredients may be easier than you think. Organic aloe vera jelly, which contains thickeners and preservatives as well as aloe vera leaf extract, is a good choice.

You can make this ahead and keep on hand for the duration of your recovery without concern for bacteria. Water-based products without a preservative can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Note that aloe vera gel, juice, and liquid are not aloe vera jelly and are water-based.

The second option is adding your oils to a vegetable or fruit oil. This protects the skin, but it does make for a bit of a “slick” bath so you should take caution both sitting and standing when getting in and out of a tub. For a less greasy experience, you may opt for coconut oil or jojoba oil (wax).

Combine 1-5 drops of your essential oil or blend into ½ ounce (1 tablespoon) of a carrier of your choice. For a regular size tub, you could use 5-20 drops per ½ ounce (1 tablespoon).

The oils I’ve chosen for the various issues can be found in the provided references at the end of the article. There are other oils that may have the same therapeutic properties.

  • Bergamot Citrus bergamia
  • Cedarwood Juniperus virginiana
  • Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus
  • German Chamomile Matricaria recutita
  • Juniper Berry Juniperus communis
  • Lavender Lavendula angustifolia
  • Sandalwood Santalum album

  • Black Pepper Piper nigrum
  • Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis ct camphor
  • Fennel Foeniculum vulgare
  • Sweet Marjoram Origanum majorana
  • Rose Absolute Rosa x damascena

  • Cypress Cupressus sempervirens
  • Frankincense Boswellia carterii
  • Juniper Berry Juniperus communis
  • Myrrh Commiphora myrrha
  • Lavender Lavendula angustifolia

  • Bergamot Citrus bergamia
  • Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus
  • Roman Chamomile Anthemis nobilis
  • German Chamomile Matricaria recutita
  • Geranium Pelargonium x asperum
  • Lemon Citrus limon

  • Clary Salvia sclarea
  • Jasmine Absolute Jasminum officinale
  • Niaouli Melaleuca quinquenervia
  • Patchouli Pogostemon cablin
  • Rose Absolute Rosa damascena
  • Thyme Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool
  • Ylang-Ylang Cananga odorata var. genuina

  • Bergamot Citrus bergamia
  • Copaiba Balsam Copaifera officinalis
  • Cypress Cupressus sempervirens
  • Frankincense Boswellia carterii
  • Helichrysum Helichrysum Italicum
  • Juniper Berry Juniperus communis
  • Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris

Incontinence (Enuresis)
  • Cypress Cupressus sempervirens

Muscle Pain
  • Lavender Lavendula angustifolia
  • Bergamot Citrus bergamia
  • Roman Chamomile Anthemis nobilis
  • Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus
  • Geranium Pelargonium graveolens
  • Sweet Marjoram Origanum officinalis
  • Peppermint Mentha piperita

Menstruation (Ovarian discomfort)
  • Basil Basil ct. linalool
  • Bergamot Citrus bergamia
  • Clary Sage Salvia sclarea
  • Cypress Cupressus sempervirens
  • Jasmine Jasminum officinale
  • Lavender Lavendula angustifolia
  • Sweet Marjoram Origanum officinalis

  • Black Spruce Picea mariana
  • Cypress Cupressus sempervirens
  • Red Myrtle Myrtus communis

Postpartum Recovery
  • Bergamot Citrus bergamia
  • Roman Chamomile Anthemis nobilis
  • Clary Salvia sclarea
  • Geranium Pelargonium graveolens
  • Jasmine Jasminum officinale
  • Lavender Lavendula angustifolia
  • Neroli Citrus aurantium var. amara
  • Patchouli Pogostemon cablin
  • Rose Absolute Rosa damascena

Uterine Cramps (PMS discomfort)
  • Clary Sage Salvia sclarea
  • Frankincense Boswellia carterii
  • Geranium Pelargonium graveolens
  • Myrrh Commiphora myrrha
  • Palmarosa Cymbopogon martini
  • Thyme Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool

vagin*l Discharge & Yeast Infections (Vaginitis)
  • Eucalyptus Eucalyptus globulus
  • Cedarwood Cedrus atlantica
  • Roman Chamomile Anthemis nobilis
  • Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis ct. verbenone
  • Thyme Thymus vulgaris ct. linalool

vagin*l Surgery Recovery

According to your physician's directions. Once the wound is healed and your physician gives you the go ahead.

Try the following:
  • Balsam Fir Abies balsamea
  • Frankincense Boswellia carterii
  • Helichrysum Helichrysum italicum
  • Lavender Lavendula angustifolia
  • Palmarosa Cymbopogon martini
  • Ravensara Ravensara aromatica
  • Thyme Thymus vulgare ct. linalool

Sitz baths are safe, effective ways to bring relaxation to your body. Get your water ready and find that relief your body's been craving. What kind of sitz bath will you try?



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About the author

Sabrina Wilson

Sabrina Wilson is an author and homemaker who is passionate about a holistic approach to health. When she is not writing she can be found tooling around in her garden with the help of her appropriately named dog Digby, bicycling in the park, and occasionally rock climbing…badly. Sabrina is a staff writer for the Organic Daily Post.


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▷ How and Why to Take a Healing Sitz Bath at Home (With DIY Bath Recipes!) (2024)


▷ How and Why to Take a Healing Sitz Bath at Home (With DIY Bath Recipes!)? ›

A sitz bath is a warm soothing soak for your perineal or bottom area (area between your legs including your anus, vagin* or scrotums). The soak is made up of water and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or salt. You can buy baking soda or salt in a drug or grocery store. How can a sitz bath help?

What can I put in my sitz bath for healing? ›

A sitz bath is a warm soothing soak for your perineal or bottom area (area between your legs including your anus, vagin* or scrotums). The soak is made up of water and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or salt. You can buy baking soda or salt in a drug or grocery store. How can a sitz bath help?

What are 5 things sitz baths are used for? ›

A sitz bath may be done to:
  • Help ease pain and itching from hemorrhoids.
  • Help ease pain from an anal fissure.
  • Bathe and soothe the perineum after childbirth.
  • Clean and soothe the anal area or perineum after surgery.
  • Ease prostate pain during prostatitis or after a procedure.
  • Help ease period cramps.

Do sitz baths draw out infections? ›

Using a sitz bath can help prevent infection, and, used with any prescribed medications, it can also help to relieve the symptoms of an infection.

What is the difference between Epsom salt and sitz bath? ›

While a sitz bath "is generally warm water only," explains Kruger, some people also use mineral bath salts such as Epsom salt to enhance the experience, though such additions may cause skin irritation for some users.

Do sitz baths speed up healing? ›

Benefits of a Sitz Bath

Soaking in water at a mild temperature can speed up the healing process by boosting blood flow. It won't cure your condition, but it will soothe irritation.

How to make a homemade sitz bath? ›

The sitz bath should be placed into the open toilet and filled with warm water. Some salt, apple cider vinegar or baking soda, or the doctor's prescription medication may be added to the water. The perineum can be soaked for 15 to 20 minutes. Most sitz baths have a vent that prevents water from overflowing.

What can I use instead of a sitz bath? ›

Instead of a Sitz Bath, Use a Detachable Shower Head.

What shrinks hemorrhoids fast? ›

How to get rid of hemorrhoids
  1. Sitz bath: One tried and true remedy for killing hemorrhoids fast is taking sitz baths, which involves sitting in 3 inches of warm water for 15 minutes several times a day. ...
  2. Ice packs or cold compresses: Applying cold compresses to the affected region helps ease pain and swelling.

What are the side effects of a sitz bath? ›

A sitz bath carries very little risk of harm because it's a noninvasive treatment. The most common adverse event associated with sitz baths is an infection of the perineum, but this rarely occurs. This may happen if you're caring for a surgical wound and don't clean the tub or plastic bath thoroughly.

Can I wash my private parts with salt water? ›

Physiological saline has the effect of cleaning the intimate area, but should not be used for this purpose. You should only wash the intimate area with salt water about twice a week, avoid washing too often because it can irritate the private area.

Do you wash after sitz bath? ›

After your sitz bath, pat dry your buttocks and perineal area with a clean towel. To avoid irritating the area, don't rub or scrub. Dispose of the water, and clean the bathtub or plastic tub.

Can sitz bath heal wounds? ›

A sitz bath is the process of soaking the perineal area (urethra to anus) in warm water. It promotes healing of episiotomies, tears, fistulas or surgical sites. Sitz baths can provide pain relief, relaxation, and wound healing by increasing blood flow to the area and cleansing the area.

What happens if you don't rinse off after an Epsom salt bath? ›

If you decide not to rinse off afterwards, your body may benefit for longer from the purported healing properties of the salt. However, Epsom salts can sometimes have a drying effect, so you may want to have a quick rinse off afterwards, especially if you have dry skin anyway.

Can you soak your privates in Epsom salt? ›

(But you can use cool water if that feels better to you.) Some people add Epsom salt to the bath to help with healing. Dr. Rodeffer-Evans said that's not necessary, but if you choose to use Epsom salt, keep it to one-half cup of salt per gallon of water.

Who should not soak in Epsom salt? ›

Epsom salt baths aren't recommended for people with:
  • Severe skin inflammation.
  • Skin infections.
  • Open wounds.
  • Severe burns.
Apr 27, 2022

Which solution is best for sitz bath? ›

Doctors sometimes prescribe medications or other additives to put in a sitz bath. An example is povidone-iodine, which has antibacterial properties. Adding Epsom salt, vinegar, or baking soda to the water can also create a soothing solution. Many use only warm water without any additives.

What is an alternative to a sitz bath? ›

Instead of a Sitz Bath, Use a Detachable Shower Head.

Can a sitz bath shrink hemorrhoids? ›

Okay, so sitz baths aren't designed to eliminate hemorrhoids but are used to soothe discomfort caused by problematic piles. Sitz baths are, in fact, less of a bath and more of a device.


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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

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Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.