Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (2024)


Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (1)

Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (2)

By Gareth Branwyn

Gareth Branwyn

Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

View more articles by Gareth Branwyn

August 12th, 2015August 12th, 2015 25

Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (3)

As part of the British Museum’s Pompeii Live film promotion, they posted the following on their website:

In AD 79, a baker put his loaf of bread into the oven. Nearly 2,000 years later it was found during excavations in Herculaneum. The British Museum asked Giorgio Locatelli to recreate the recipe as part of his culinary investigations for Pompeii Live.

Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (4)

Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (5)

Along with a video of Locatelli recreating the loaf, they even include a more modern recipe so that you can try it yourself. Which is good because the baker never cuts into the loaf or tastes the fruits of his labors.

Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (6)

I’m really intrigued by the indentation along the circumference of the loaf. Locatelli believes a string may have been tied around the loaf as a carrying handle after it was baked. You could buy a trussed up loaf at a street market and carry it home on your wrist like a purse. The baker’s mark in the bread is also a fascinating embellishment. Early product branding.

Here’s the recipe:


  1. 400g biga acida (sourdough)
  2. 12g yeast
  3. 18g gluten
  4. 24g salt
  5. 532g water
  6. 405g spelt flour
  7. 405g wholemeal flour

Melt the yeast into the water and add it into the biga. Mix and sieve the flours together with the gluten and add to the water mix. Mix for two minutes, add the salt and keep mixing for another three minutes. Make a round shape with it and leave to rest for one hour. Put some string around it to keep its shape during cooking. Make some cuts on top before cooking to help the bread rise in the oven and cook for 30–45 minutes at 200 degrees.

Note: This recipe differs from the one in the video (which I assume is the actual recipe derived from investigating the loaf). In the video, Locatelli uses only buckwheat flour, biga acida, and salt water in his recipe.

  1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (7)jeremy millersays:

    August 12th, 2015 at 12:11 pm

    You’re telling me that humans ate gluten 2,000 years ago? ugh!

    1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (8)Leif Burrowsays:

      August 12th, 2015 at 1:44 pm


      1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (9)jeremy millersays:

        August 12th, 2015 at 2:29 pm

        But what about their allergies?!

  2. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (10)Grizsays:

    August 12th, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    And how exactly did chef arrive at the recipe for ancient bread using ingredients the ancients didn’t have, like yeast and gluten? I’m not buying this?

  3. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (12)Leif Burrowsays:

    August 12th, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    @Griz, @disqus_4PgpRhjpu0:disqus – Really?!?!

    What do you all think yeast and glutten are?

    Yeast are a variety of fungi found all throughout nature. It’s spores suround us in the air, it even lives on our skin. Yeasts have been used since before recorded history in the creation of alcohol and bread. No doubt it was discovered the first time somebody left food out that happened to have the right acidity to allow yeast but nothing poisonous or pathenogenic to grow.

    Gluten is a major part of the common grains people have been eating, also since before recorded history. Basically, it’s the stuff that’s left after you grind it into flour and then wash all the starch out.

    Being surprised that the Romans had these things is kind of like being surprised that they had the wheel or fire.

    Not related to this story but I bet you guys think that MSG is some totally ‘artificial’ (whatever artificial means) made by evil corporations to poison us. Wouldn’t you be surprised to learn that one was actually RE-discovered in 1866 having previously been produced in China as early as 5500BC!

    1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (13)Grizsays:

      August 12th, 2015 at 1:56 pm

      I think in the context of the article and my question, yeast and gluten are things this chef bought off the shelf at the local store for his wildly innaccurate “recreation” of this recipe. Romans didn’t have yeast, they had grape must left over from wine making that contained yeast, or they had bread dough from yesterday, the equivalent of the modern day “sourdough.” We all know what gluten is and where it comes from, and what it does, Sparky. My point was, what’s he “recreating” bears no resemblence to how that 2000 year old loaf of bread was actually produced.

    2. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (14)Rebecca K.says:

      August 12th, 2015 at 4:18 pm

      But the store-bought yeast is very, very different from sourdough. Store-bought yeast is Saccharomyces cervicea, whereas sourdough generally contains “wild yeasts” from the air, which include bacteria more like what you find in yogurt: members of the lactobaccillis family, for example (and pardon my horrid Latin spelling in the above). The smell is even different.

      And while the biga likely contained flour, buckwheat, which is the primary grain used in the video recipe, is gluten-free. It would rise in a completely different fashion, with a different texture, than a true wheaten bread.

      1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (15)Leif Burrowsays:

        August 13th, 2015 at 1:36 pm

        Ok, I didn’t watch the video and didn’t know that the original was primarily buck-wheat. I just trusted that the attempt to re-create the original really was a valid attempt. My reply was to the idea that people didn’t have these things in the past.

  4. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (16)sophiacamillesays:

    August 12th, 2015 at 2:01 pm

    I thought gluten was already a primary component of wheat/flour? Interesting to see it listed as its own ingredient in addition to the flour. Also, the term for cutting dough is scoring (I’m surprised he doesn’t say that in the video). In addition to helping the bread rise, many chefs develop a signature score pattern!

    1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (17)Rebecca K.says:

      August 12th, 2015 at 4:13 pm

      That recipe, with the added yeast and gluten, would come out completely inauthentic, particularly if the original recipe indeed is just buckwheat, sourdough, water, and salt. Buckwheat has no gluten, and store-bought yeast is a relatively modern invention that contains significantly different fungi and bacteria than present in sourdough. (And maybe he doesn’t use the word scoring because he’s not a native English speaker or he’s assuming the audience is unfamiliar with the term.)

      1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (18)sophiacamillesays:

        August 13th, 2015 at 8:25 am

        As for the scoring, I figured that was probably the reason. And cool, I didn’t know buckwheat is gluten free!

  5. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (19)Otokodatesays:

    August 12th, 2015 at 3:14 pm

    I don’t know. I feel like this would have been baked upside down in a mold of some sort like modern bundt pan. That “line” could be the top of the mold and then the wider “base” could be where the bread expanded up and over.

    1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (20)sophiacamillesays:

      August 12th, 2015 at 3:52 pm

      idk, the sides don’t seem flat enough for the top to have been encased in a pan. Unless the pan had curved/concave walls

    2. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (21)Patrik D'haeseleersays:

      August 13th, 2015 at 1:56 am

      My thinking exactly. It seems abundantly clear that the method this baker demonstrates is NOT how the original bread was baked. Those obviously are not score marks, otherwise the crust would have cracked open and bulged outwards at those score marks, just like it did in the modern bread that baker was holding at the end. Instead, the lines in the ancient bread are perfect indentations, and there is no sign of a crust to be see anywhere.

      So yes, I agree that it looks like this bread was baked in a shallow clay pan, and what we’re seeing is simply the imprint of the curved bottom of that pan, complete with built-in subdivisions and a seal.

      From the video, it seems clear that this baker hasn’t even had a chance to examine the ancient bread in person. Otherwise, it should be fairly easy to tell whether that line along the circumference was from a string. And the baker would obviously want to have a look at the underside of that bread as well.

      Seriously, British Museum – is this the best you can do?

      1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (22)Gareth Branwynsays:

        August 13th, 2015 at 8:49 am

        Well, I would assume that if it had been baked in anything that pan would’ve been discovered in the oven along with the bread.

        1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (23)Rodsays:

          August 13th, 2015 at 5:24 pm

          Ok, as no pan was found, and several of us agree that it is fairly obvious from texture and shape that it was flipped over before baking and that those sections were formed not cut.

          What about a shaped raising mold? Something like a Couronne Bordelaise ?

  6. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (24)Grizsays:

    August 12th, 2015 at 4:02 pm

    “Note: This recipe differs from the one in the video (which I assume is the actual recipe derived from investigating the loaf. In the video, Locatelli uses only buckwheat flour, biga acida, and salt water in his recipe.”

    Did this get added later or am I just stupid. Those three ingredients would be perfectly authentic.

  7. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (25)Patrik D'haeseleersays:

    August 13th, 2015 at 6:34 pm

    Here’s some nice images fo Roman bread stamps, by the way:

  8. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (26)Gareth Branwynsays:

    August 13th, 2015 at 8:27 pm

    I love all of the conversation and speculation around this post. I am
    going to reach out to the British Museum and see if we can post some
    sort of follow up that gets more serious about the actual archeology and
    science behind this discovery and attempts to answer some of the
    questions that have been raised, here and on the YT video post. Thanks to everyone for the thoughtful comments.

    1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (27)alisa.cainsays:

      August 16th, 2015 at 8:24 am

      here ís the way you can fíll-up your bank account with addítional funds every week, check for more informatìon ìn my profile

  9. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (28)gladlylearnsays:

    August 18th, 2015 at 8:09 am

    I don’t think that the mystery loaf has been adequately explained. What does the other side of the loaf look like? The string was a notion of the modern baker. We need corroborating evidence for that. The groove could result from stacking two balls of dough and pressing slightly. Why? The resulting wedge would split neatly to make a sandwich. ( I seriously doubt that the Earl of Sandwich was the first person to think of this convenient way to manage food.) The smooth surface of the top of the loaf suggests that it was formed by baking in a mold. The baker’s stamp might have been impressed into the dough before placing in the mold. But again, corroboration is lacking. Romans bought a lot of street food. It is reasonable to imagine someone at the baker’s stall buying a wedge of this loaf, splitting it open to apply a good splash of fermented fish sauce and going on his way, eating lunch as he walked.
    FYI – Gluten forms sheets in wheat dough when it is kneaded; these catch the gases exuded by the yeast to form the bubbles that give wheat bread its distinctive texture.

    1. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (29)Rachelsays:

      September 21st, 2015 at 7:44 pm

      Late to the party, but I totally agree about the stacking of two balls of dough. I was doing some searching on how bread stamps work because I didn’t believe the stamps would’ve been left on the loaf during baking – look at the enormous depth of the indentation the modern baker created, as opposed to the original loaf! (Plus, because it’s Pompeii, we ought to still have anything that went into the oven with the bread.) I went to look for information about communion bread in the Greek Orthodox church, because they still use bread stamps for it, and check out the pictures of a “Byzantine” style loaf here: . Given the conservative tendencies of the Orthodox church, I don’t think it’s out of the question to see that as a continuation of Roman practice.

      As for the scoring, the pictures of the original loaf seem to have a finger-sized indentation in the center as well. I’ve not worked with buckwheat, so I’m not sure how that would affect the oven spring. But possibly that central hole would give it room to expand rather than cracking. I tried the proportions of the ‘modern’ recipe just now (minus the commercial yeast, because really), and the dough was too wet to keep the two balls of dough distinct, but the final product tasted delicious. I tested out stamping it prior to putting it in the oven by using a plastic cookie cutter, and that worked just fine (see pic). The light scoring I tried with the back of a knife didn’t cause the top crust of the loaf to break in the oven, but it also didn’t create any of the lovely contours we can see in the ancient loaf, so that needs additional experimentation.

  10. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (30)GrrrNewSignUpsays:

    August 18th, 2015 at 9:05 am

    Many old recipes are converted for our modern taste. It is highly likely the changes are to produce something we will find edible.
    Also, should we keep in mind just how much we have changed our food? (Carrots were not always orange.) some of the changes might account for as well. For our purposes we will try the video recipe first then the one the museum provided. I am eager to hear the follow up

  11. Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (31)Pam Pixie Greenhillsays:

    August 28th, 2015 at 12:43 am

    Surely if you were going to write the recipe according to the actual ingredients then that’s what you should do not add and change it completely !!! I would be much more interested in the actual recipe that The British Museum has worked out according to the actual loaf !!!

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Tagged archeology baking bread recipes

Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (32)

By Gareth Branwyn

Gareth Branwyn

Gareth Branwyn is a freelance writer and the former Editorial Director of Maker Media. He is the author or editor of over a dozen books on technology, DIY, and geek culture. He is currently a contributor to Boing Boing, Wink Books, and Wink Fun. His free weekly-ish maker tips newsletter can be found at

View more articles by Gareth Branwyn


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Making Bread from a 2,000 Year Old Recipe (2024)


How do they make bread in olden days? ›

Stone tools were used for cracking and smashing various cereals and grains to make them into a more versatile food. As humans evolved, we mixed these cracked grains with water to create a variety of foods including porridge. We also discovered that by leaving this paste out in the sun, it formed a dry bread-like crust.

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Our ancestors did not yet know the principles of leavening, but their recipe was by no means a foregone conclusion. Cereals (barley and wild wheat seeds, ancestors of domesticated wheat) were broken, shelled, crushed and sieved. This flour was then mixed with water to form a dough to be cooked on embers or hot stones.

How was bread made in 1700? ›

People in colonial America used a variety of solutions for baking bread - everything from baking flat cakes of flour and water in the hot ashes of a fire to clay ovens, to dutch ovens resting on coals, either outside or on an indoor hearth, to cast iron stoves.

How did the ancients make bread? ›

The first evidence of the use of fermentation in the production of bread was found in Ancient Egypt. The most common type of bread was made solely from water and flour. This mixture was left outside on the hottest days for a long time to set the natural yeasts in the flour to work and start the fermentation process.

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It was made by grinding cereal grains, such as wheat, millet or barley, into flour, then kneading it with a liquid, perhaps adding yeast to make the dough rise and lighten, and finally baking.

How did they make bread in the old days without yeast? ›

They discovered that mixing flour and water together and leaving it to sit for several days would cause wild yeasts to start fermenting, resulting in a risen dough. The Egyptians also used sourdough as a leavening agent, which is a natural mixture of yeasts and bacteria found in flour and water.

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The find, from the Black Desert in Jordan, pushes back the first evidence for bread by more than 5,000 years. The stone age bread-makers took flour made from wild wheat and barley, mixed it with the pulverised roots of plants, added water, and then baked it.

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We have evidence of humans gathering wild grains from at least 100,000 years ago and the earliest evidence of humans grinding these grains dates to around 30,000 years ago in the form of starch residue on stones, probably left over from grinding a combination of grains and roots to form a paste.

How did medieval people bake bread? ›

The baking was done by placing the dough under an upturned pot placed on the 'down-hearth' – this was the flat stone in the centre of the floor of their one room hut on which the fire was built. The embers would keep the stone hot for some time so it was ideal for baking in this way.

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Bread was baked in small domed clay ovens, or tabun. Archaeologists have excavated ancient ovens which were usually made by encircling clay coils or from re-used pottery jars. The oven was heated on the interior using dung for fuel; flat breads were baked against the interior side walls.

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With No Yeast : The Salt : NPR. Bake Bread Like A Pioneer In Appalachia ... With No Yeast : The Salt Bacteria can make a bread rise and give it a cheesy flavor. That's the secret ingredient in salt rising bread, which dates to the late 1700s in Appalachia, when bakers didn't have yeast on hand.

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In the 19th century, bread bakers obtained their yeast from beer brewers from which they made sweet-fermented bread. This process, known as the Dutch process (because Dutch distillers were the first to sell yeast commercially), spread to Germany, and yeast was sold as cream.

How did Egyptians bake their bread? ›

Ancient Egyptian bread was probably a type of sourdough. The experiments recreated show how bread for the pyramid workers was baked in clay pots (bedja moulds). Dough was placed in pots set in hot ash, with heated lids on top, forming individual 'ovens' to bake the loaves.

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The bannock of many pre-contact American peoples was made of corn and nut meal, and flour made from various roots and ground plant bulbs, and sweetened with syrup from trees. There were many regional variations of bannock that included different types of flour, and the addition of dried or fresh fruit.

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Bread loaves found in the excavations of Pompeii

A kind of loaf known as Panis Quadratus: it used to be round and divided into eight segments of equal size. Maybe the name comes from its four lines used to create the eight sections on the surface: quadratus means with four lines.

How did they make bread in the Old World? ›

Early humans made bread by mixing crushed grains with water and spreading the mixture on stones to bake in the sun. Later, similar mixtures were baked in hot ashes. The ancient Egyptians are credited with making the first leavened bread. Perhaps a batch of dough was allowed to stand before it was baked.

How was bread made in biblical times? ›

Bread was baked in small domed clay ovens, or tabun. Archaeologists have excavated ancient ovens which were usually made by encircling clay coils or from re-used pottery jars. The oven was heated on the interior using dung for fuel; flat breads were baked against the interior side walls.

What is the traditional method of bread making? ›

Bread making involves the following steps:
  1. Mixing Ingredients. Mixing has two functions: ...
  2. Rising (fermentation) Once the bread is mixed it is then left to rise (ferment). ...
  3. Kneading. ...
  4. Second Rising. ...
  5. Baking. ...
  6. Cooling.

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The bread was toasted on a hot stone in front of the fire. Later on, simple devices were created to toast bread in the fire such as wire frames, to cook the toast more evenly, or sticks like those we use to toast marshmallows over a campfire today.


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