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17 set 2023
- Giapponese
Quality Point(s): 3529
Risposte: 573
Numero di "Mi Piace": 1112
Cinese semplificato (Mandarino)
Inglese (Stati Uniti)
Domande Inglese (Stati Uniti)
- Report copyright infringement
Quando "Non sei d'accordo" con una risposta
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17 set 2023
Domanda in primo piano
- Inglese (Regno Unito)
- Inglese (Stati Uniti)
Quality Point(s): 82008
Risposte: 53098
Numero di "Mi Piace": 42659
You have to say – is – because the first item mentioned is singular – a pen. You absolutely cannot write – there are a pen…
With the conjunction word – and – the two books simply attach to the statement, and there is no problem with the inflection. But if you swapped them around, it would be like this –
There are two books and a pen on the table.
- Report copyright infringement
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17 set 2023
Show answer from the AI monga
弧に入るのはisです。文中の主語はthereであり、この場合は単数形の形容詞isを使います。例えば、「There is a pen on the table.」という文でも同じです。
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17 set 2023
- Inglese (Regno Unito)
- Inglese (Stati Uniti)
Quality Point(s): 82008
Risposte: 53098
Numero di "Mi Piace": 42659
You have to say – is – because the first item mentioned is singular – a pen. You absolutely cannot write – there are a pen…
With the conjunction word – and – the two books simply attach to the statement, and there is no problem with the inflection. But if you swapped them around, it would be like this –
There are two books and a pen on the table.
- Report copyright infringement
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17 set 2023
- Giapponese
Quality Point(s): 3529
Risposte: 573
Numero di "Mi Piace": 1112
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