TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (2024)

Table of Contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Build Order
  • +
    • 3.1. Initial Worker Scout
    • 3.2. Reaper Scout
  • 4. Initial Push
  • 5. Follow-up Tank Push
  • 6. Conclusion
  • 7. Changelog



The 2-1-1 is a build which was actually popularised in the Terran vs Zergmatch-up, in the first half of 2016. It was a build which quickly became thego-to opener for Bio play in TvZ due to its ability to create early game mapcontrol, denying creep and forcing units for the Zerg. The build became veryfigured out in the match-up, but due to its power it was still successful evenif shut down perfectly and was particularly useful due to all of its potentialfollow-ups.

The build can be applied to the Terran vs Protoss match-up and, in this guide,we will cover a variation with an offensive TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (1) Siege Tank follow-up, which makesthis build a difficulty for Protoss players to hold against, especiallypunishing very fast third bases. This build works great on maps with a shorterrush distance by ground, mostly due to the power of the follow-up tank push,though the initial TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (2) Medivac drop can also work well on larger maps, due tothe speed of Medivacs and boosting.


Build Order

As with all of our build orders, constant worker production is assumedunless mentioned otherwise and so all builds are based on supply count timings.Rough in-game timer points have been added at points of the build.

Start with a standard Reaper Expand:

  • 14TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (3) Supply Depot as part of wall (rally first worker made from TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (4) Command Center to the ramp);
  • 16TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (5) Barracks #1;
  • 16TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (6) Refinery;
  • 17 — worker scout (you are looking to identify a standardNatural Expansion timing of the Protoss, which starts at 1:25 — lack of aTvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (7) Nexus means potential cheese);
  • 19TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (8) Orbital Command;
  • 19TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (9) Reaper;
  • 20TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (10) Command Center (generally built on low ground).

Continuation of 2-1-1:

  • 21TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (11) Barracks #2 (keep away from wall, to denypossible scouting by a unit moving up your ramp & in case of early attackswhich could force it to move before upgrades complete);
  • 21TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (12) Reactor on Barracks #1, reaper goes across map to scout;
  • 22TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (13) Supply Depot (completes wall);
  • 23TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (14) Refinery;
  • 24TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (15) Factory;
  • at this stage, TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (16) Marine production begins on Barracks: constant Marine production from here on;
  • 26TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (17) Tech Lab on Barracks #2;
  • 31TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (18) Stimpack research on Barracks Tech Lab;
  • 35TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (19) Starport (built next to Factory, this should be starting instantly as your Factory finishes);
  • 35TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (20) Reactor on Factory
  • 40TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (21) Supply Depot (from here supply depots are omitted from the build order, build as required);
  • 43TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (22) Engineering Bay;
  • 46 — swap TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (23) Starport onto TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (24) Reactor built by TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (25) Factory;
  • 49 — 2x TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (26) Medivacs on Reactored Starport;
  • 54 — +1 Attack;
  • 56TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (27) Tech Lab on Factory;
  • 57TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (28) Refinery;
  • 61TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (29) Medivacs complete, lift 15-16 TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (30) Marines and move across map, in-game time ~4:45

From here the initial build order is completed and you have two full TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (31) Medivacs on the map to apply pressure.

Significant additions after this time:

  • start researching TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (32) Combat Shield when TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (33) Research Stimpack finishes;
  • prioritise your gas onto constant TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (34) Siege Tank production, then onto Medivacs;
  • as your minerals stack up from full two base saturation you can add on a thirdTvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (35) Command Center or TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (36) Barracks #3-5, depending on how aggressive you want to bewith your follow-up (see later section);
  • start +1 Armour when +1 Attack finishes — if the game does not endwith aggression, add one TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (37) Engineering Bay and an TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (38) Armory when armour upgrade ishalf way done, to start +2/+2 at the same time.


Scouting & Adjustments


Initial Worker Scout

The initial worker scout has one extremely important job: to confirm thepresence of a Natural Expansion at a standard timing (placed at around 1:25 fora standard Gate-Gas-Nexus expand, slightly later for some forms of double gasexpand for faster tech or earlier cybernetics core to apply early gatewaypressure (in this case add a bunker.) Upon seeing the TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (39) Nexus, you can continuewith your build without adjustments.

If you see a lack of TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (40) Nexus, you next check in the main base for two things:gas and TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (41) Pylon count. If the Protoss has no Nexus and one gas, they are eithergoing for a high number of TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (42) Gateways and attacking early, or potentially hidingtheir expansion on the map (95% of the time in this situation, they will havetwo gases) The second Pylon of a Protoss player goes down at around 1:50in-game time. If there is not a second pylon in the main base at this time itis probably on the map for a proxy.

In the case of a proxy you want to abandon the 2-1-1 build, as additionalTvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (43) Marine production and the fast TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (44) Stimpack upgrade is not the strongest way todefend early aggression. Your scout timing should allow you to build a fasterTvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (45) Engineering Bay instead of the second TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (46) Barracks(to allow for TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (47) Missile Turret production against TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (48) Oracles and TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (49) Dark Templar).You should add on the TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (50) Factory as soon aspossible as well as a second gas when the factory begins, then a TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (51) Starport asthe Factory finishes. Generally holding on one base will make your life a loteasier than defending on two bases, so bunker up on top of your ramp and liftthe natural TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (52) Command Center to the main when possible.

Try and scout for the proxy as this information can change how you react. Inmost scenarios a TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (53) Cyclone will be useful for earlier defense against TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (54) Oracles,TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (55) Siege Tanks will be great vs larger pushes, such as a continued one base play (scoutwith TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (56) Reaper to confirm). On the TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (57) Starport, a viking is a good choice vs TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (58) Stargatepushes and TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (59) Liberators a good choice against other ground based attacks.

With the scouting worker you can build an TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (60) Engineering Bay to block thenatural of your opponent, as a way to keep a continuous scout and informationon when they might try to take the expansion. This can help a lot with knowinghow your opponent is aiming to follow up their aggressive opening.


Reaper Scout

The TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (61) Reaper scout is your next scout after the initial TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (62) SCV. Generally whatthe Reaper sees is not going to change your choice of build. The first Protosstech building will go down at 2:30-3:00. You are looking for one of threethings: TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (63) Robotics Facility / TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (64) Twilight Council / TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (65) Stargate.

Versus TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (66) Robotics Facility and TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (67) Twilight Council, the build can continue as normal.An early Twilight Council could mean TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (68) Dark Templar, which is one thing you shouldprepare for (consider an earlier TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (69) Engineering Bay for a TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (70) Missile Turret or saving energyfor an initial scan).

Versus TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (71) Stargate make sure to position marines well for versus TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (72) Oracle play.You can even invest in an earlier TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (73) Engineering Bay as well for a turret to helpcover your mineral lines. You will need a TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (74) Missile Turret in your mineral lines againstan oracle when you move out just before 5 minutes anyways, as you do not leaveany units at home once the TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (75) Medivacs leave to push across the map.


Initial Push

The initial push with 2 TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (76) Medivacs and around 16 TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (77) Marines should leave yourbase a 4:45-5:00, depending on your execution of the build. This means itarrives at your opponent's base just as TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (78) Stimpack finishes. The most important partof this push is that you do NOT lose your TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (79) Medivacs or trade inefficiently. Thismay seem obvious, but the power of the follow-up push is reliant on maintaininga good unit count initially, unless you were able to deal a large amount ofdamage.

The beauty is it will generally be a fairly simple retreat in most scenariosto lift up your TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (80) Marines and boost away. The two things that willshut-down your getaways will be the TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (81) Blink upgrade on TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (82) Stalkers,or multiple TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (83) Phoenix as a follow-up to TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (84) Stargate play. In thecase of an early TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (85) Twilight Council, Blink will be finished beforeyour push arrives, so approach on the ground with your TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (86) Medivacs in theback and boost ready so you can TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (87) Stimpack and boost away. VersusTvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (88) Robotics Facility first into Twilight Council, Blink should finisharound 6 minutes, giving you a minute or so to find openings and deal damagesafely.

You will generally never want to fight within range of a TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (89) Shield Battery, asthis is the number one way in which a Protoss will be able to create anefficient trade. Your goal with this first push is to create your own mappresence and to test that they are not being too greedy and cutting corners byskipping out on units. You can also test their map control, by dropping intothe main base (especially if they have a dark area where you can unload freely)or by just poking at the front / third base.

Sometimes you can create a good fight by engaging at the third and forcingunits to come and protect it — perhaps they run in with one or two units beforethe rest arrives, allowing for a free pick off. If they have to cancel thethird you should back away, you have already put yourself in a great positionfrom this.

If you are dropping into the main, aim to pick off something quick andeasy, which gives you time to then pick-up and leave before units can respond(think TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (90) Pylons powering important buildings, or probes which you can kill a fewof in a couple of seconds). Remember that retaining your units is one of themost important parts of this build and that it is much better to back away froma fight you cannot win or only trade evenly in, than to fight at all.


Follow-up Tank Push

If your production and build is on point, at around 6:15 you will have twoTvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (91) Siege Tanks and one extra TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (92) Medivac, allowing you to move across the map for anattack just as TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (93) Combat Shield is finishing. Behind this push you will be addingon either a third TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (94) Command Center (which you can build in position, due to thisbuild giving you dominant map control) or a third, fourth, and fifth TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (95) Barracks, ifyou want to be much more aggressive and keep on attacking with what isessentially a two base all-in (though you can build a delayed third behind it,which means you will generally want to delay the Protoss third or deal somesevere economic damage).

The power of this army lies in the TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (96) Siege Tanks and how great they can be atsupporting TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (97) Marines, especially against a TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (98) Gateway focused army. As you push, youwill probably find yourself dancing with TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (99) Stalkers, perhaps even having to siegeup your Tanks earlier than expected if the Protoss threatens to fight (onething to be very careful of in this situation is to not allow Stalkers to blinkforwards and grab a free TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (100) Medivac or Tank, keep these important units at theback of your army. If you can push yourself into a position on the third base,you should be in a good position to get a cancel or a kill. The danger reallyarises when Protoss starts adding some extra tech into their army, such as aTvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (101) Colossus.

This push is still, really, about patience and knowing your fights andpositions. If you can get those Tanks sieged and supporting a stim rush into thethird, you will find a lot of success. But be aware — if the Protoss can slowyou down a lot and stop you from taking a fighting position (maybe you siegeout of range of the third base), then you do not want to stick around forever.The more time passes, the more the Protoss is reinforcing instantly while yourown units have to traverse across the map to join your main force, creatingmore chances for the Protoss to win a fight convincingly and gain a lot ofmomentum.

The game can continue from here into your standard bio play and all the restof it, or into that big two base push if that is what you were aiming for.Remember to position well, take the fights you can win and most of all to bepatient — there is nothing wrong with heading back home and continuing to macroif you do not feel like the opportunity is there to create the fights you want.



This is a really interesting adaptation of the infamous 2-1-1 TvZ build,taking the strengths of the traditional 2-1-1 and intertwining them with thepower of typical TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (102) Siege Tank pushes in the early and early-mid game of TvP. You havetwo waves of pressure in which you can find openings and chances to slow youropponent down while heading into a strong macro follow-up at home or into adeadly push just minutes later. The build can be quite precise and can takesome practice to get right, especially for figuring out when and where is goodto fight on each map — but is that not part of the fun in StarCraft?



  • 23 Jan. 2018: Added our first build order: TvP 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac timing into Tank push.

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TvP Build Order: 2-1-1 Marine-Medivac Timing into Tank push (Terran vs Protoss) (2024)


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