28 Ways to Fit a Nursery in Your Master Bedroom (2024)

Table of Contents
Key Takeaways 1. Declutter and Organize the Bedroom 2. Designate a Corner or Portion of a Wall for The Nursery Area 3. Use Space-Saving Baby Furniture (e.g. Mini Crib, Bassinet) 4. Place Crib/Bassinet Next to Parent’s Bed or at Foot of Bed 5. Use a Dresser as a Makeshift Changing Table 6. Consider a Rolling Crib for Easy Mobility 7. Create a Closet Nursery Nook by Removing Closet Doors 8. Opt for Multifunctional, Space-Saving Furniture 9. Use Existing Furniture for Multiple Purposes (e.g. Dresser as Changing Table) 10. Install Room Dividers Like Curtains or Bookshelves to Separate Spaces 11. Use Smart Hidden Storage Solutions Like Under Crib/Bed Bins 12. Install Storage On Walls and Doors Like Floating Shelves and Over-Door Organizers 13. Hide Clutter Away with Curtains Over Storage Areas 14. Place Daily Essentials Within Reach on Nightstand 15. Use Awkward, Empty Spaces in The Room for Baby Items 16. Choose Nursery Furniture That Matches Existing Décor 17. Add Playful Yet Subtle Nursery Décor Like Wall Decals 18. Use Rugs to Soften Noises and Absorb Sound 19. Get Blackout Curtains to Block Light for Better Sleep 20. Consider Co-Sleeping 21. Weatherstrip Doors and Windows for Temperature Regulation and Noise Reduction 22. Use A White Noise Machine to Soothe Baby and Mask Household Sounds 23. Breastfeed in A Comfortable Spot Like in Bed or A Rocking Chair 24. Utilize Other Rooms for Extra Storage and Supplies 25. Remember to Focus On Safety – Keep Potentially Hazardous Items Out of Reach 26. Get a Diaper Pail 27. Get an Air Purifier 28. Keep It Minimal References

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When you’re expecting a baby but live in a small house like I once did, the idea of a designated nursery room is a pipe dream.

You might wonder how to prepare for a baby’s arrival when options seem limited. I’ve totally been there as a mom struggling with tight square footage!

But accentuating the intimacy of your master bedroom with some thoughtful nursery additions is not only doable – it has its own advantages too.

Sharing your personal space reinforces that comforting closeness during the baby’s first year. And don’t worry, your room can still maintain its pre-baby personality!

With just a few key pieces and strategic planning, your cozy bedroom easily transforms into a multi-purpose retreat tailor-made for your family’s changing needs.

I’m excited to share all real-life mom tips and tricks for blending nursery necessities right into your small master bedroom. This nursery and bedroom combination is going to work out wonderfully!

Key Takeaways

  • Declutter and organize your master bedroom first to free up space for a nursery zone
  • Designate an area like a corner or portion of a wall to act as a subtle nursery nook
  • Utilize space-saving compact furniture and multifunctional pieces like a rolling crib or dresser changing table
  • Get creative! Repurpose existing furniture, install storage on walls/doors, use room dividers to delineate spaces
  • Focus on essentials—keep it minimal and tidy using strategic organization and storage solutions for baby items

1. Declutter and Organize the Bedroom

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As a mom of two busy little ones, I know how quickly any space can get chaotic. Take some time to sort through your stuff and purge anything you don’t need.

Organize what remains so everything has a designated spot. You’ll be amazed at how much room you can free up with a little effort!

I highly recommend reading the book “Decluttering at the Speed of Life: Winning Your Never-Ending Battle with Stuff” by Dana K. White.

This book provides realistic, actionable advice for tackling clutter in every room. Dana guides you to develop a decluttering mindset, embrace the visibility rule, and create functional systems that fit your lifestyle.

Whether you need help knowing where to start or creating maintainable habits long-term, Dana’s book is an invaluable resource.

Her room-by-room strategies make the process doable, like grouping categories and using your senses while decluttering. Implementing just a few of her game-changing tips will transform your home.

2. Designate a Corner or Portion of a Wall for The Nursery Area

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Look for an out-of-the-way nook, like the corner by the closet or next to the bathroom door. Use a cute area rug to define the space.

This little patch of floor will soon be baby’s domain – the perfect little nest to keep him or her close while still feeling separate.

3. Use Space-Saving Baby Furniture (e.g. Mini Crib, Bassinet)

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When my first was born, we opted for a mini crib with wheels that could later convert into a toddler bed. It was a lifesaver for our small master!

For the new baby, we found an adjustable-height bassinet that slides right next to our bed. Getting creative with compact furniture choices makes room-sharing totally doable.

4. Place Crib/Bassinet Next to Parent’s Bed or at Foot of Bed

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We originally put the mini crib right next to my side of the bed so I could easily care for the baby during the night.

When space got tight as baby grew, we moved it to the foot of our bed. Either setup allows you to keep baby nearby without crowding your own sleeping space.

5. Use a Dresser as a Makeshift Changing Table

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Traditional changing tables take up a lot of precious real estate. We use a storage ottoman or just a portable pad on the floor when we need to change diapers.

Once our baby grows into the dresser, the top serves perfectly well for changing duties. It also avoids having to store a bulky changing table long-term.

6. Consider a Rolling Crib for Easy Mobility

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A crib with wheels that can be rolled around as needed is such a smart solution for a small bedroom. When space is tight, look for furniture pieces that can pull double duty and adapt to your changing needs.

A rolling crib gives baby a safe sleep space but can be tucked out of the way when not in use.

7. Create a Closet Nursery Nook by Removing Closet Doors

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That narrow unused space inside your closet can actually be transformed into a perfect little nursery nook! Removing the closet doors instantly creates a handy recess ready for a crib.

Make use of awkward, often overlooked spaces to carve out new possibilities. Add a colorful curtain across the opening to keep it feeling separate and cozy.

8. Opt for Multifunctional, Space-Saving Furniture

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In small rooms, smart storage and furniture that serve multiple purposes are a must. Look for cribs with storage drawers underneath or changing tables with shelves, like the Graco Hadley 5-in-1 Convertible Crib.

Products designed thoughtfully for functionality not only save space but also reduce the need to purchase more pieces down the road.

9. Use Existing Furniture for Multiple Purposes (e.g. Dresser as Changing Table)

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You can likely use furniture you already own in new ways with some creativity. We turned our dresser into a baby’s clothing storage and changing station by simply adding a changing pad on top.

Look around the room and think what current pieces could be adapted. Work with what you have before running out to buy more stuff!

10. Install Room Dividers Like Curtains or Bookshelves to Separate Spaces

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Hanging a curtain or carefully positioning a bookshelf are inexpensive ways to divide the room. Even though the baby will share your space, use dividers to create the feeling of separate zones.

Whether you drape fabric or set up furniture to mark boundaries, subtly defining “yours” and “baby’s” areas helps the room feel properly shared by all.

11. Use Smart Hidden Storage Solutions Like Under Crib/Bed Bins

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Get creative when it comes to tucking away gear! Clear plastic bins that slide neatly under the crib or bed keep supplies easily accessible but out of sight.

Take advantage of that vacant space underneath the furniture to discretely stash the inevitable baby clutter.

12. Install Storage On Walls and Doors Like Floating Shelves and Over-Door Organizers

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Make use of vertical real estate to free up floor space! Mounted shelving and door-mounted organizers add storage capacity without a footprint.

Look up, down, and all around when hunting for new storage solutions. You can likely capitalize on areas you haven’t considered.

13. Hide Clutter Away with Curtains Over Storage Areas

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Sometimes baby gear needs to live out in the open. Maintain a tidy look by hanging curtains to conceal the stash.

It keeps things handy for middle-of-the-night needs but is visually contained behind a colorful curtain. A simple panel of fabric works magic to camouflage the chaos!

14. Place Daily Essentials Within Reach on Nightstand

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Keep must-have items like diapers, wipes, creams, and an extra onesie in your bedside table so they are close at hand. Designate a drawer or shelf just for baby.

Having go-to supplies bedside makes those late-night care sessions quicker and easier. No need to disrupt your sleep further to dig around for what you need.

15. Use Awkward, Empty Spaces in The Room for Baby Items

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Pay attention to those “dead zones” that tend to get overlooked when planning room layouts. An oddly shaped nook or narrow gap along one wall might be perfectly suited for stashing some key nursery gear.

Repurposing unutilized pockets of space for purposeful storage is a savvy way to pack more function into your master bedroom.

16. Choose Nursery Furniture That Matches Existing Décor

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When shopping for those new nursery additions, seek out items with finishes and styles that coordinate with your current bedroom aesthetic.

For instance, opt for a crib with a white or natural wood finish rather than loud colors if that matches your vibe. Blending the old and new decor ensures a cohesive, pulled-together look.

17. Add Playful Yet Subtle Nursery Décor Like Wall Decals

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While you want baby’s corner to feel special, avoid going overboard on the cutesy decorations. Have fun with whimsical accents like sweet wall decals, colorful pillows, or fun lampshades.

The goal is a subtle nod to the new roomie without making you feel like you’re sleeping in a cartoon! Keep it breezy and bright.

18. Use Rugs to Soften Noises and Absorb Sound

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Rugs aren’t just great for defining baby’s section of the bedroom, they also minimize disruptive noises from both you and baby.

Thick, padded rugs help absorb regular sounds like creaky floorboards or rustling around. Protecting baby’s sleep pays off exponentially down the road!

19. Get Blackout Curtains to Block Light for Better Sleep

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If baby snoozes in your room, be sure to install thick curtains or shades that completely block out light. Newborns in particular sleep best in very dark rooms.

Blackout curtains allow baby to sleep soundly even if you keep lamps on to read before bed. A good night’s sleep for everyone is essential!

20. Consider Co-Sleeping

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Room-sharing makes late-night nursing much easier. If you want your newborn right next to you while sleeping, bedside sleepers are fantastic.

The cozy, separate sleep space keeps baby safe and secure without taking up your whole mattress. You get the proximity without losing your own space.

21. Weatherstrip Doors and Windows for Temperature Regulation and Noise Reduction

Installing weatherstripping around doors and windows makes a huge difference in controlling both temperature and noise.

Drafts and sounds from outside could disrupt baby’s sleep. Securing openings improves the sleep environment. A well-rested baby means well-rested parents!

22. Use A White Noise Machine to Soothe Baby and Mask Household Sounds

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A white noise maker is magic for drowning out ambient sounds of daily life that could wake baby. The monotonous shushing gives consistent aural stimulation perfect for sleeping.

It also tunes out noises from you. Let the calming sounds soothe and camouflage so you all get some rest.

23. Breastfeed in A Comfortable Spot Like in Bed or A Rocking Chair

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Establish a cozy nursery spot for late-night nursing or soothing. Use lots of pillows to support you while feeding baby in bed or place a rocker near the crib.

Don’t worry about leaks – just have burp towels handy! Above all make sure you are comfy. Take care of yourself so you can give baby your best.

24. Utilize Other Rooms for Extra Storage and Supplies

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If space gets too cramped, take advantage of storage options outside the bedroom. Stash bulkier items or overflow in closet spaces, under bathroom sinks, the laundry room, etc.

Just try to keep crucial supplies in the bedroom. Out of sight doesn’t mean out of reach!

25. Remember to Focus On Safety – Keep Potentially Hazardous Items Out of Reach

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As baby grows more mobile, take precautions to minimize risks. Secure wobbly furniture, cover outlets, install cord shorteners, and use cabinet locks.

Scan for small objects on the floor. Check the space from a crawler’s perspective! Staying vigilant about safety helps everyone rest easy. Better safe than sorry!

26. Get a Diaper Pail

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As a mom, I know how fast things can get stinky with a little one in diapers! Finding an odor-blocking diaper pail that contains mess and smells but blends into your decor is clutch for an in-room nursery.

Trust me, you’ll be grateful to have a stylish, yet functional pail handy for middle-of-the-night changes. Your nose will thank you!

27. Get an Air Purifier

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Now that baby is sharing your space, maintaining excellent indoor air quality is more important than ever. I highly recommend adding an air purifier like the LEVOIT Core 200S that I have.

This compact machine is specially designed to deeply clean the air without producing any annoying or harmful ozone.

The Core 200S features a 3-stage filtration system to trap dust, allergens, and odors that could irritate baby’s delicate respiratory system.

Its quiet operation won’t disturb anyone’s sleep. You can even control settings right from your phone! Having clean, purified air circulating will help minimize stuffy noses and breathing issues.

Investing in a quality purifier like this LEVOIT model pays back tenfold in helping your baby stay healthy and comfortable.

28. Keep It Minimal

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It’s easy to go overboard buying up sweet baby items. But in a shared master bedroom, restraint is key. Stick to the essentials your newborn truly needs and leave out excess accessories or décor that could clutter up the space.

Focus on multifunctional furniture and only keep out what you use daily. Editing down to the essentials creates a calm, uncomplicated room for your family.

When it comes down to it, you really don’t need much to welcome your precious babe into your bedroom. Use these tips to carve out a special spot just for them while keeping your master room feeling like your own.

With some creativity and compromise, you can easily blend and balance both worlds. Transitioning into parenthood is a new adventure, made a little smoother by keeping your sleep space relaxed. You’ve got this!

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28 Ways to Fit a Nursery in Your Master Bedroom (2024)


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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.