Creating A Nursery Nook In Your Master Bedroom For A Newborn - Just Jass (2024)


Newborns don’t need much room which makes creating a nursery nook in your master bedroom an ideal thing to do for those first few months.

Unlike my first daughter, we had an extra room to create and decorate as her nursery.

Which I enjoyed doing very much.

But this time around, we don’t have that extra room so we will be sharing our bedroom with the baby until we can transition her to her sister’s room where they will be sharing a room eventually.

With this in mind, we ultimately have to create a nursery nook in our master bedroom to accommodate our newborn.

Most parents have to crave out a space anyway in their room with the arrival of a new baby.

I know for us, all we had in our bedroom with our daughter was a bassinet that we kept right beside the bed and we would just go to her nursery if we needed anything else.

But because she does not technically have a room, we have to carve out space as a temporary nursery in our bedroom.

As much as I would have loved to decorate another nursery, I know it’s not the end of the world.

I’m actually looking forward to my girls creating a bond in a shared space much like me and my sister did when we were younger.

But we got a little way to go before that happens.

For any parents who are in the same position as us, I want to share how we created a nursery nook in our master bedroom for our newborn’s arrival.

If you are interested in some tips on how we plan to set up ours in our bedroom for our baby, then just keep reading.

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Creating A Nursery Nook In Your Master Bedroom For A Newborn - Just Jass (1)

The Importance Of Room Sharing With A Newborn

Before I dive into how we are creating a nursery nook in our master bedroom, I want to first discuss the importance of sharing a room with a newborn.

Because I cannot recommend this tip enough.

I know some moms who are perfectly ok with putting their newborns in a separate room from the moment that they get home and that is ok if that is what works for you.

I’m just not one of those moms.

I tried that for the first night with my daughter and I didn’t sleep at all that night because I was constantly worried about her in the next room.

We had gotten a bassinet and set up it right beside the bed for her to sleep in at night and also take naps during the day.

Now, I eventually started cosleeping with my daughter because that was the only way I survived breastfeeding her at night.

You can check out my post on how I safely cosleep with my baby girl through the link below.

  • Read More: Safe Ways To Bedshare With A Newborn

I won’t recommend cosleeping if you are not comfortable with it, but I will absolutely recommend room sharing and I’m not the only one who feels that way.

In fact, the AAP recommends that infants sleep in the parents’ room or close to the parent’s bed ideally for the first year of life, but at least for the first 6 months.

My daughter slept in our room for the first 4-5 months before we officially moved her over to her nursery.

By this time, my daughter had learned to roll over on her back and hold her head up really well so I felt good about her being in a separate room.

I also noticed that she wasn’t sleeping as well in our room anymore in which Cara Dumaplin, a baby sleep expert, recommends parents move babies to a separate room after 6 months in order to prevent parental sleep deprivation.

Which I completely agree with.

When you are sleep deprived, a lot of things can happen such as an increase in mood swings and an inability to regulate your emotions properly which are all signs of postpartum depression.

At the end of the day, we want what is best for our babies and room sharing is what I have found to be best for me when it comes to my babies.

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Creating A Nursery Nook In Your Master Bedroom For A Newborn - Just Jass (2)

Creating A Nursery In Your Master Bedroom For A Newborn

So obviously, our bedroom was our bedroom before I got pregnant which meant we had our room the way that we liked it.

Well, now that we are bringing a new baby into the world, that is going to change.

When it comes to creating a nursery nook within a space that was already being used, we have to be minimal and that is what you will notice in the tips I give below.

Decide Where You Are Going To Set Up

The very first step in setting up a nursery nook in your master bedroom is deciding where this area will be.

Will this be a corner in your room or will you utilize a wall?

I know for us, we have a wall that barely had any décor on it, so we will be rearranging that area in order to create a space for her.

Rearrange Furniture To Create Space

So the decorations aren’t the only thing that will need to be rearranged.

If you are able to, rearrange the furniture so that you still have that spacious feel to the room without it starting to feel overcrowded.

For instance, we already have a rocker that we used with my daughter when she was a newborn that was currently in her bedroom.

We want to use this rocker with the new baby. So in order for us to bring in the rocker, we will need to move something out so we can still have space to move around in our room.

We currently have a bench seat that sits directly in front of our bed that we moved out in order to make room for the rocker.

Once we transition our baby to her room with her sister, we will simply switch those furniture pieces back out.

Utilize Existing Furniture For Different Purposes

I actually picked up this tip from Rosaura on Crafty Mother Father.

She suggested turning your existing furniture into much-needed closet space for the baby.

If you have shelves in your bedroom or other storage spaces, these areas can essentially be used as storage for your baby’s clothes or other necessities.

You have to get creative when it comes to storage and try to be more organized.

For us, we have a shelf that is under our TV that can fit those cube storage bins.

It currently just has décor on it so we took the décor off and replaced it with some of those cube storage bins that now hold her things such as clothes, burp cloths, diapers, and wipes.

Once we move her out, we will simply transfer those storage bins to the closet that she will be sharing with her sister and put the décor back.

If you don’t have a shelf or struggle with space, I would suggest floating shelves. I used those with my daughter when we were living in our apartment.

Make This Area Special For Your Little One

I absolutely love this tip from Shalena Smith on The Bump in which she suggests making this area special.

I mentioned above that I would have loved to decorate a nursery for this little one, but I will settle for decorating her little wall in our room.

Shalena mentioned that you can paint the wall or put a canopy over the bassinet which are all wonderful ideas to make that area stand out.

But, I will be taking a simpler approach. I will be placing her initial above her bed with a few decorations surrounding her initial.

I plan on redecorating my daughter’s room to fit both of our girls, so I’m saving all of my decorating juices for that time.

Get A Multifunctional Pack N Play

In most nurseries, you will often find a crib and a changing table.

Well, when you are trying to create a nursery in your bedroom, you cannot fit both a changing table and a crib in your room.

This is why I suggest getting pack n play that has multiple functions.

We have a Graco Pack N Play that is essentially a 3-n-1 with a removable bassinet that works when they are small infants and an adjustable play yard that grows with them.

It also has a removable diaper changer that can be used in place of a changing table along with a small storage basket that hangs on the side of it that can hold diapers and wipes.

We love this pack n play and it solves the problem of needing a crib and a changing table. Not to mention it takes up less space which is what we are going for.

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Creating A Nursery Nook In Your Master Bedroom For A Newborn - Just Jass (3)

Your Turn

Well, that about wraps it up. Ultimately when it comes to sharing a room with a baby, less is more. Utilize what you have and have items that are multifunctional. But now I want to hear from you. Have you ever had to create a nursery nook within your master bedroom for the arrival of your new baby? Drop your tips down below on what you did and while you are still here, check out my previous post below. Until next time!

  • Read More: What To Pack In Your Hospital Bag For Your Second Baby


Just Jass

Creating A Nursery Nook In Your Master Bedroom For A Newborn - Just Jass (4)


Creating A Nursery Nook In Your Master Bedroom For A Newborn - Just Jass (2024)


How to make a nursery for a newborn? ›

Here are our tips on setting up a baby nursery:
  1. Start with the basics. ...
  2. Keep your baby's room simple. ...
  3. Ensure you have block-out blinds on your windows. ...
  4. Avoid any hanging mobiles over your baby's cot. ...
  5. Use white noise. ...
  6. Swaddle up. ...
  7. Keep the room temperature as even as possible.
Nov 2, 2022

How to create a baby corner in your bedroom? ›

Create a Cosy Corner

To define your chosen cosy area, you can use items to partition from your master bedroom. Thick textured rugs work well to zone a snuggly corner, keeping everything neatly sectioned within it. Add a comfortable chair for feeding to make the area as relaxing as possible for both you and your baby.

How do I make space for my baby in a small bedroom? ›

15 Tips for Small-space Living With a Baby
  1. 1 Pack away all toys, clothes and gear your baby isn't ready for yet. ...
  2. 2 Choose mini-size baby gear.
  3. 3 Hide storage areas with ceiling-mounted curtains. ...
  4. 4 Hang picture-book shelves. ...
  5. 5 Stack suitcases as storage. ...
  6. 6 Incorporate sneaky baby-stuff storage in other rooms.

How to turn a closet into a nursery? ›

6 Tips for Turning a Closet Into a Tiny Nursery
  1. #1 – Paint the Back Wall or Entire Closet a Different Color. ...
  2. #2 – Take the Doors Off. ...
  3. #3 – Build the Crib Into the Back Wall. ...
  4. #4 – Look Up. ...
  5. #5 – Try a Mini Crib. ...
  6. #6 – Use Your Walk-In Closet.
Feb 24, 2016

Does a newborn need a nursery? ›

Setting up a full-fledged new nursery for your baby isn't always desired or possible, and it certainly isn't necessary (despite what retailers lead you to believe).

Where should a crib be placed in a room? ›

for your baby

Place the crib at least two feet away from heating vents, windows, window-blind cords, drapery or wall lamps and one foot from walls and furniture. Cover the mattress with a snug-fitting crib sheet with elastic corners and nothing more.

What to put in a baby room? ›

Nursery checklist: 20 must-have newborn essentials
  1. Crib. A crib is the centerpiece of your child's nursery and is arguably the most important piece of furniture you can have in a nursery. ...
  2. Sheets and bedding. ...
  3. Night light. ...
  4. White noise machine. ...
  5. Rocking chair or glider. ...
  6. Changing table. ...
  7. Changing pad. ...
  8. Diapers and wipes.

How to make a baby corner? ›

Start by placing a portable bassinet or small crib in the corner of your bedroom. Use floating shelves for baby supplies and add cute wall decor to show this little corner of your room belongs to your little one.

How do you decorate an empty corner in a bedroom? ›

9 Ideas to Decorate & Fill Empty Bedroom Corners
  1. Empty Corners: Include additional seating. ...
  2. Corner Walls: Extend your headboard. ...
  3. Smaller Bedroom Corners: Use twin bedside tables. ...
  4. Corner Window Dressing: Hang curtains from wall to wall. ...
  5. Window Corners: Create a cosy reading nook.

How do you make a one-bedroom work with a baby? ›

12 Tips to Live With a Baby in a One-Bedroom Apartment
  1. Create a mini nursery in the corner of your bedroom. ...
  2. Use a dresser as a changing table. ...
  3. Maximize storage space in and around the “nursery” area. ...
  4. Use your closet as a nursery. ...
  5. Downsize your belongings. ...
  6. Reorganize your kitchen, bathroom and closets.

How long should a baby be in your bedroom? ›

For the first 6 months your baby should be in the same room as you when they're asleep, both day and night. This can reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). Particularly in the early weeks, you may find your baby only falls asleep in your or your partner's arms, or when you're standing by the cot.

How many bedrooms do you need with a baby? ›

If you're expecting your first child, a one-bedroom home will work for a while. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends keeping your child's crib in your bedroom for the first six months. Eventually, though, you'll want to reclaim your room, making a second bedroom desirable.

How long can a baby be in a master bedroom? ›

The AAP Guidelines On Sharing A Room With Your Baby

When it comes to making your new baby your new roommate, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the following: “Room share—keep baby's sleep area in the same room where you sleep for the first 6 months or, ideally, for the first year.

How to create a nursery in a one bedroom apartment? ›

Consider a nursery wall opposite your bed or a loft bed solution where your bed is above with plenty of room below to tuck in a crib, a rocking chair and storage. You can buy a compact mini crib designed for apartment living. Some models even convert to a twin bed so you can use it for several years.

Which bedroom to make nursery? ›

They're at best a second or third bedroom, and often even smaller than that. In apartments, the "nursery" may be a large walk-in closet with the door removed, or one end of the parents' bedroom. Accordingly, careful space planning is always essential.

Can children sleep in master bedroom? ›

If there is an upper story in the house, the master bedroom should be on the ground floor, in the southwest corner. Adult married children can also use this room. Younger children, however, should not use it because that will cause trouble in the household.


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